This setting's value stores the list of fields that should not be activated on the Edit action (clicking the Edit button on program's main toolbar).
Note: Before proceeding, get acquainted with the Settings Levels section of LyciaLowCode Settings page (the concept of scopes is essential for configuring multiple interactions and the multitable support).
The definitions like LET <setting_variable>.<setting_name> = <value> refer to the InteractForm_Settings level, while LET <setting_variable>.views["<db_table_name>"].<setting_name> = <value> refers to the View level.
This setting can be defined for:
InteractForm_Settings level: No
View level: Yes
Setting format:
<InteractForm_Settings>.views["<db_table_name>"].not_update_fields DYNAMIC ARRAY OF STRING
LET l_settings.views["test_05"].not_update_fields = ["test05.test05_varchar","test05.test05_int"]