
Form and theme XML code and CSS element selector

Inheritance diagram

Most commonly used form and theme properties

Associated 4gl syntax and ui methods

Influence and behavior

PlaceHolder is used to open a new window to a form.

Form XML code:

<PlaceHolder visible="true"identifier="PlaceHolder1">

Theme element filter XML code:

<ElementFilter ElementName="PlaceHolder">



CSS element selector code:


Inheritance diagram:

Most commonly used form properties:



Most commonly used theme properties:



Associated 4gl syntax:






Associated ui methods:



Influence and behavior:

To add a PlaceHolder to your form, you

Step 1. Choose a PlaceHolder from the widgets palette by left-clicking its icon.

Step 2. Select the place in the form where you want to put the PlaceHolder.

Step 3. Left-click the selected spot (cell or sector) to place the PlaceHolder there.

Step 4. The PlaceHolder is now added to your form, and you can see it in the Structure view.


To open a new window to a form, you add a PlaceHolder to this form and open the window to it via OPEN WINDOW ... INTO:

OPEN WINDOW window_name INTO "placeholder_id"  WITH FORM "form_name"


For example,

OPEN WINDOW w2 INTO "ph1" WITH FORM "placeholder_01_open_into_phid_01_single_into"

Types of windows that can be opened to a placeholder, depend on what Lycia version you use:

You can specify the placeholder where the new widow will open in three ways:

If you specify the target placeholder in both 4gl code and .qxtheme file, the theme file will be of higher precedence and the new window will open in the palceholder specified in the master/user theme.


If several opened windows (including the current one) have placeholders with the same id, the new window will open to the current window:

If some windows but not the current one have placeholders with the same id, then the new window will be open to the latest open window (before the current).


You can use the window id to distinguish between many placeholders with the same id:

OPEN WINDOW w3 INTO "" WITH FORM "ph_04_wid_phid_01_into"

This feature will be especially useful in situations when changing the source code is difficult or troublesome.


Placeholders can be used for easier guification of 4gl applications.

If the source code of the modernized program contain the statements OPEN WINDOW ... AT or DISPLAY ... AT, 4gl developer can simply create a new form and add a PlaceHolder to it with the identifier AT_n1_n2:

You can change placeholder's properties in the form designer. However, we recommend applying appearance properties via user themes and css.

To apply a property to a placeholder, set its value in the user theme, directly or using filters.

In all the examples above, the placeholder's background was set in the master theme:

<ElementFilter ElementName="PlaceHolder">








        <PropertyValue type="CustomizedColor" RedColor="217" GreenColor="230" BlueColor="236" Alpha="255" />







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