Specifies the paths to search for images, Lycia theme files, styles, and scripts used by front end functions.




FGLIMAGEPATH=<path to folder>


Usage and examples:


FGLIMAGEPATH specifies where to search for image files, Lycia theme files (.qxtheme), styles (.css), and JavaScript files (.js) used by front end functions:


FGLIMAGEPATH=%FGLIMAGEPATH%;.;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\images





The examples above are the FGLIMAGEPATH values by default.


§      include the folder where Lycia images are stored (C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\images),

§      specify that the current directory of the 4gl application is searched first (. (full stop) added to the path).


FGLIMAGEPATH applies both at compilation and at runtime, so it must be set in inet.env, in env.properties, and in environ.bat (if you use Lycia Command Line).



Related articles:

Compiling requirements
