Requirements for successful compilation

To ensure that the native code is created (and that it is created in a proper way), please, check where you have fulfilled the following requirements.


Common requirements


  Windows 7 or later

   Windows Server 2008 or later


  Glibc 2.14



FGLLDPATH specifying paths to C extensions and 4gl program modules, e.g.

FGLLDPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\libs


FGLIMAGEPATH specifying paths to image files and Lycia theme files, e.g.

FGLIMAGEPATH=%FGLIMAGEPATH%;.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\images


Requirements brought about due to using JAVA libraries:


Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 or later


CLASSPATH specifying additional paths to the compiled .class files or Java packages containing .class files


  PATH specifying paths to executable files, e.g.

Path=C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\bin;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\lib;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Common\bin;$PATH

  LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifying paths to dynamic libraries, e.g.



Requirements brought about due to using C/C++/Esql-C sources:


  Visual Studio 2008 or later. For building object cache, use Visual Studio 2010 and later.


  OS compatible ANSI C/C++ compiler


LYCIA_DB_DRIVER specifying the database driver to be used, e.g. LYCIA_DB_DRIVER=informix


SQLSERVER specifying the ODBC data source name, e.g. SQLSERVER="dsn=database_name;uid=user_name;pwd=password"



The above mentioned variables can be set


set env_name = env_value;env_value2 or %env_name%;addtional_value


export evn_name = env_value: env_value2 or $env_name:additional_value



Related articles:

Environment Variables