RegEx Characters


Regular expressions consist of alphanumeric characters and a number of syntax elements which are considered non-alphanumeric.

Here you can find most of RegEx syntax elements which can be used in regular expressions introduced into Querix 4gl programs.




These modifiers serve as possible flags of a regular expression and can be used to enhance search.



treats a string as a number of multiple lines:



treats a string as a single line:



makes the search pattern case-insensitive:

/(\w+)/i -- matches variants "word", "Word", "WORD", "wOrD", etc. regardless of their case


allows the pattern to include whitespaces and comments:

(\w+)  (\w+)/x -- matches "runtime" but not "run time".

(\d+)#(\w+)/x -- considers all the characters after # as a comment, matches "7" but not "word"


Special character classes:



matches any of the characters in the sequence = creates a set (=class) of characters:

/[ab]c/ -- matches "ac" or "bc" but not "abc"

/[ab]+/ -- matches any non-empty string of a's and b's like "ab", "aabbab", "babbaabbbaaa", etc.

/([ab]+)c/ -- matches any non-empty string of a's and b's followed by c like "abc", "aabbabc", "babbaabbbaaac", etc.


matches any of the characters from x to y inclusively in ASCII:

/[a-d]/ -- matches every combination of a's, b's, c's, and d's but not e's, f's, etc. like "a", "abcd", "acbddd"


matches the hyphen (-) character:

/[\-]/ -- matches "-" in "fifty-fifty"


matches the newline character


matches any characters except those preceded by ^:

/[^c]/ -- matches any combination of alphanumeric characters except for c like "hdfj" but not "hdcfj"





beginning of the string

with /m means the beginning of a new line


end of the string

with /m means the end of the line


any character except the newline one


possible alternative:

/(a*)|(b*)/ -- matches "a", "aa", "aaa", etc., "b", "bb", "bb", etc. but not "ab", "aabb"


allows a part of a regular expression to be treated as a single unit:

/(ab)c/ -- matches "abc"

/(a|b)c/ -- matches "ac" or "bc" but not "abc"

/(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/ -- matches time values given in the hh:mm:ss format


quotes the following metacharacter:

/\|\/ -- matches "|"





matches 0 or more times (={0,}):

/(a*)/ -- matches "", "a", "aa", "aaa", etc.


matches 1 or more times (={1,}):

/(a+)/ -- matches "a", "aa", "aaa", etc. but not ""

/(a++a)/ -- never matches "aaaa" as a+ will take all a's a leave nothing for the remaining part of the pattern


matches 0 or 1 time or the shortest match (={0,1}):

/(a?)/ -- matches "", "a", etc. but not "aaa"


repetition = matches exactly n times:

/(a{5})/ -- matches "aaaaa" but not "aa", "aaa", "aaaaaaaaaa" etc.


matches at least n times:

/(a{5,})/ -- matches "aaaaa"and "aaaaaaaaaa" but not "aa", "aaa", etc.


matches no more m times:

/(a{,5})/ -- matches "aa", "aaa", and "aaaaa" but not "aaaaaaaaaa"


matches at least n but no more n times:

/(a{2,5})/ -- matches "aa", "aaa", "aaaa", and "aaaaa" but not "a" or "aaaaaaaaaa"


Special notations with \:



matches any word characters

word characters include all alphanumeric characters + _ (the underscore character) + other connector punctuation chars + Unicode marks


matches non-"word" characters


matches a whitespace character


matches any non-whitespace characters


matches decimal digits (0-9)


matches non-digits


creates a tab character


creates a newline character


matches any characters but "\n"





matches word boundaries

word boundary is a spot between two characters that has word characters on both sides, including the imaginary characters off the beginning and end of the string as matching a \W . Within character classes, \b represents backspace rather than a word boundary, just as it normally does in any double-quoted string.

For greater details, refer to PERL documentation here.


matches any characters except word boundaries


matches only the beginning of the string


matches only the end of the string


matches only the end of the string or before a newline character (for a multi-line search)



Related articles:

RegExp algorithms