Regular Expressions


Regular expression is a string which describes a pattern as a sequence of characters to be searched and found in a bigger character string (usually, a text).

In Querix 4gl, regular expressions can be used not only for text processing but also for more exact (as compared with the usual data type validation) validation of entered data.









"text" of a regular expression, sequence of characters to be searched and found in a bigger character string


modifiers added to specify additional search parameters (optional)


Usage and examples:






Regular expressions are used to define search patterns for string matching.

To be able to search though long strings of characters, you need to:

create objects

util.REGEX - to hold the regular expression

util.MATCH_RESULTS - to hold the search results


DEFINE regex util.REGEX



form a regular expression by combining alphanumeric and non-alphabetic (special) characters:


LET regex = /(\w+)\s(\w+)/


apply a regex algorithm:


LET r = util.REGEX.match("Test Libraries", regex)


CALL, regex) RETURNING match


LET rs = util.REGEX.replace("Test string", regex, "[$&]")


process the obtained results:







When used in regular expressions, control characters must be escaped to obtain the expected results:

\n - creates a newline symbol

\\n - searches for the "\n" expression and matches it to the regular expression in the sentence "\n is used to create a newline character".



Example programs:

CVS server:

CVS repository: /lycia_doc_examples

User: client

Project: library/regular_expressions