

RadioButtonListItem allows adding objects to RadioButtonLists in order to create sets of available values.


Most commonly used Theme and Form Properties:

Inheritance diagram:

Form XML Code


RadioButtonListItem in a vertically oriented RadioButtonList embedded in the GridPanel:


<radiobuttonlist orientation="Vertical" fieldType="FORM_ONLY" fieldTable="formonly" enable="true" visible="true" identifier="f1">

     <griditemlocation gridWidth="1" gridHeight="1" gridY="0" gridX="0"/>


           <radiobuttonlistitem title="New Item" identifier="f1_0"/>




RadioButtonListItem in a RadioButtonList as seen in Lycia Form Designer



RadioButtonListItem in a RadioButtonList as seen in Lycia Desktop



RadioButtonListItem in a RadioButtonList as seen in LyciaWeb



RadioButtonList of 3 items embedded in the GridPanel (orientated vertically, compare to the list of separate RadioButtons):


<radiobuttonlist orientation="Vertical" fieldType="FORM_ONLY" fieldTable="formonly"

enable="true" visible="true" identifier="f1" horizontalAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Center">




     <griditemlocation gridWidth="1" gridHeight="1" gridY="1" gridX="1"/>


           <radiobuttonlistitem title="f1=1" identifier="f1_1">

                <value type="integerliteral" integerValue="1"/>


           <radiobuttonlistitem title="f1=2" identifier="f1_2">

                <value type="integerliteral" integerValue="2"/>


           <radiobuttonlistitem title="f1=3" identifier="f1_3">

                <value type="integerliteral" integerValue="3"/>



     <preferredsize width="100" height="100"/>

     <ontouched type="actioneventhandler"/>



RadioButtonList of 3 vertically orientated items as seen in Lycia Form Designer



RadioButtonList of 3 items as seen in Lycia Desktop



RadioButtonList of 3 items as seen in Lycia Web



Adding a RadioButtonListItem to a form using the graphical form editor


 Select the RadioButtonListItem button from the widget palette and place it to the required location on the form.

Example programs:

Project: form-demo3