

qfgl is used to compile 4gl source files into intermediate representation modules (stored in .4o files).




qfgl [options] file_name.4gl


Possible options:


-? [ --usage ]

displays usage information

-V [ --version ]

shows the version of the compiler

-v [ --verbose ]

produces verbose output (detailed compilation information)

-d [ --database-driver ] arg

sets database driver for compilation

-e [ --encoding ] arg

specifies the source file encoding

-o [ --output ] arg

determines the output path

--java-option arg

passes options to the Java Virtual Machine


monitors all references to .erm help files (OPTIONS HELP FILE <path>) and checks whether help identifiers are present (HELP <id> for MENU)


switches on keyword warnings


switches off all warnings

-N [ --no-implicit-import-compile ]

prevents implicit compilation of the file used in IMPORT FGL statement


Usage and examples:


To compile a source code file a.4gl, invoke:


qfgl a.4gl


This will produce an IR module saved as a.4o to the output folder (by default, $LYCIA_DIR\bin).


If the following command is invoked:


qfgl –o b.4o –d sserver a.4gl


the output will be an IR module called b.4o, and the 4gl file will be validated against an SQL Server database.


-d is only used for validation purposes: The compiled program can be run against any database server available, either by using qfgl -d, or by setting the LYCIA_DB_DRIVER environment variable.


To compile files created with non-default encoding tables, -e must be followed by the specific value:


qfgl a.4gl -e Cp1252


qfgl --check-kw switches on keyword warnings in LyciaStudio. This warning is displayed when a 4gl source file is build that includes variables which name coincide with a 4gl key word:




Keyword warnings can be also switched on and off in Building preferences.




Related articles:

Building Programs from Command Line

4GL preferences: Building