Specifies the path to the folder where Lycia is installed (is obligatory for correct Lycia behavior).




LYCIA_DIR=<path to folder>


Usage and examples:


At installation, Lycia uses this folder to locate important libraries, files, and executables.

At compilation and when running applications, these libraries, files, and executables are taken from the folder specified in LYCIA_DIR:


LYCIA_DIR=C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia





The name of the Program Files folder may depend on the architecture Lycia executable or Windows OS architecture and locale.



LYCIA_DIR applies both at compilation and at runtime, so it must be set in inet.env, in, and in environ.bat (if you use Lycia Command Line).



Related articles:

Installing Lycia for Windows

Installing Lycia for Linux