In this Preferences page, you can configure the application server instances and LyciaWeb interaction with LyciaStudio as well as specify the necessary C compiler:
Run/Debug preferences included to 4GL preferences supplement the main set of Run/Debug preferences.
The page includes the main page and three sub-pages:
In the main page, you can change some launching configurations:
existing launching configurations:
This option specifies what is done with the existing configurations of an application if you run or debug it by the option, Run As or Debug As, via a graphical client which is different from its run/debug configurations:
custom launch command line - with this option, you can specify a custom command line that will be executed when your applications are, e.g.:
general options:
Here you select whether launched commands will be displayed to the console and set severity of the CEF logs (is disabled by default):
In the Application server sub-page, you can view and update the AppServer instances:
The default AppServer instance is selected by checking the corresponding check-box:
By pressing Details, you can view the details of the selected AppServer instance:
By pressing Update, you will make LyciaStudio to change this list of AppServer instances according to listener.xml (include new instances, change the modified ones, and remove the deleted ones):
Refer here to learn more about the AppServer instances and listener.xml.
By pressing Edit Environment, you will open the inet.env file in LyciaStudio (for viewing and editing):
In the C++ compiler sub-page, you can specify what C++ compiler you want to use for compiling your C projects, programs, and files from LyciaStudio:
The number of possible variant depends on how many C++ compilers are installed on your development station and what their versions are.
By default, there are three possible variants:
Custom – allows the 4gl developer to manually specify the path to the necessary C++ compiler.
You can specify the compiler script location by browsing or direct typing:
When you choose MinGW as your C++ compiler, you must set the QX_NATIVE_LINKER environment variable in inet.env before building and compiling your applications:
When you choose VisualStudio as your C++ compiler, you must set the QX_NATIVE_LINKER environment variable in inet.env and execute vcvars.bat before building and compiling your applications:
The selected C++ compiler is written to the .metadata of your workspace.
You can reset the C++ compiler at any time except when some application is being compiled.
In the LyciaWeb sub-page, you can change Lycia Web Server location and configure how LyciaStudio launches LyciaWeb:
You can change Lycia Web Server (currently, Jetty) location by pressing Browse... or by direct typing:
In the LyciaWeb sub-page, you can change such LyciaWeb configurations like the host name (by direct typing), the servlet root (by direct typing), and authentication scheme and ports: