
qform is used to compile legacy form files.


qform [options] file_path/file_name

Possible options


displays current usage information


shows the version of the pseudo form compiler

--db arg

sets database driver for compilation

--e arg

specifies the form file encoding

--p arg

specifies the output path


converts SCREEN RECORDs to tables


converts a .per or .4fm form with a SCREEN layout to an .fm2 form with GridPanel used as root container


produces output in JSON format

--gen arg

creates a form file using defined json configuration.


qform -gen "{\"database\":\"cms_llc\",\"outputs\":[{\"output\":\"output_file_1.fm2\",\"template\":\"template_file.fm2\",\"primary_table\":\"activity\",\"generate\":[{\"container\":\"grid_panel_1\",\"fields\":[\"activity.activity_id\",\"activity.open_date\",\"activity.close_date\",\"company.comp_name\"]},{\"container\":\"grid_panel_2\",\"fields\":[\"activity.*\",\"company.*\"]}]},{\"output\":\"output_file_2.fm2\",\"generate\":[{\"container\":\"grid_panel_1\",\"fields\":[\"activity.activity_id\",\"activity.open_date\",\"activity.close_date\",\"company.comp_name\"]},{\"container\":\"grid_panel_2\",\"fields\":[\"activity.*\",\"company.*\"]}]}]}"
For more information, refer to the following page: Generating Form Files From Database Tables and Form Templates

--genconfig arg

creates a form file using defined JSON configuration file.


qform -genconfig c:\configs\myconf.json
For more information, refer to the following page: Generating Form Files From Database Tables and Form Templates


enables tracing

--pdump arg

creates a preprocessor dump to file

When you specify a file name, be careful with its case.

UNIX is case-sensitive, so it will treat files which names come in different cases as separate files.

Usage and examples

If -v is set alone, the compiler will display the version of the pseudo form compiler and then exit without compiling the file:

qform -v file_name.per

To compile files created with non-default encoding tables, -e must be followed by the specific value:

qform a.per -e Cp1252

To convert a .per or .4fm form with a SCREEN layout to an .fm2 form with GridPanel used as root container, you must specify the form name as the argument:

qform --scrcompat file_name.per


qform -p "C:\qform_outputs" -xmlout -xml -db informix -e UTF-8 -gen "{\"database\":\"cms_llc\",\"outputs

qform -genconfig "C:\configs\qform_gen_config.json" -p "C:\qform_outputs" -xmlout -xml -db informix -e UTF-8



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