Besides using built-in front-end functions - "standard", "html5", "session", and "messages", - you can define your custom frontCall modules and then use these user-defined front-end functions.
To define your custom frontCall module, you must follow these steps.
var mySpecialHtml = document.createElement('div');
mySpecialHtml.innerHTML = '<span>Bingo!</span>';
alert('I\'ve added some HTML!');
*querix.plugins.frontCallModuleList.myCustomModule= {
myCustomFuction: function(param1, param2) {*
var mySpecialHtml = document.createElement('div');
mySpecialHtml.innerHTML = '<span>Bingo!</span>';
alert('I\'ve added some HTML!');
Step 3. Save this wrapped JavaScript code to a file - e.g., myCustomFrontCallModule.js.
CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","scriptImport", ["qx://application/myCustomFrontCallModule.js"], [])
CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("myCustomModule","myCustomFunction", [firstParam,secondParam], [])