Here are the built-in functions implemented by the front end in the "html5" module.
The names of front-end functions and pre-defined arguments are case-sensitive.
Executes the JavaScript provided as the argument:
ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","eval", [text], [result])
text = text to be interpreted as JAVA script
result = variable which holds the results of the function execution
Returns size, MIME type, and time of previous modification for any file specified as an argument:
ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","fileinfo", [file_name], [result])
file_name = name of the file in interest
result = variable which holds the results of the function execution
Sets the value specified as its second argument to the value of the HTML5 local storage by the name specified as its first argument:
ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","setLocalStorage", ["key","value"], [result])
key = name to be given to the HTML5 local storage
value = value set for the HTML5 local storage with the given name
result = variable which holds the results of the function execution
Returns values stored in the HTML5 local storage by the name specified as an argument:
ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","getLocalStorage", [key], [result])
key = name of the HTML5 local storage
result = variable which holds the results of function execution
Imports CSS styles by URL:
ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","styleImport", ["url","copy", id], [])
url = URL of the imported style
copy (optional) = specifies whether the imported style must be copied to native window context for LyciaDesktop
id (optional) = identifier for the imported style
Imports script files by URL:
ui.Interface.frontCall("html5","scriptImport", ["url","nowait"], [])
url = URL of the imported script
nowait(optional) = specifies whether the function should exit immediately without waiting for the successful script uploading
Imports HTML5 WebComponents.
A new experimental HTML importing facility currently not supported by browsers, so it is unlikely that it will work properly unless some simulation libraries are loaded.