Report file is an empty file that will contain your report once you have populated it with visual and non-visual elements. Report files have an extension - .rptdesign - and a complex structure described here.
BIRT report files (as 4gl programs) cannot exist beyond a project. You can add your reports (= report files) to the already existing projects (both 4gl and non-4gl ones)or create a separate report project to contain your reports.
Refer here to read about creating new projects.
Refer here to read about creating new report projects.
To create a new report file, please follow these steps.
When you press Finish, a blank report will be created.
When you press Next, you can choose a template for the report.
Blank Report allows creating a blank report with no predefined content (the result will be the same as if you have used no templates at all, i.e. pressed Finish in Step 2);
My First Report allows creating a simple listing report. Unlike Simple Listing, it provides instructions for newcomers;
Simple Listing allows creating a simple listing report;
Grouped Listing allows creating a listing report that includes additional header box used for grouping your listing;
Dual Column Listing allows creating a grouped listing report with two columns;
Dual Column Chart & Listing allows creating a grouped report with two chart + listing sections located one under another;
Side by Side Column Chart & Listing allows creating a grouped report with two chart + listing sections located side by side;
Chart & Listing allows creating a grouped report that includes a listing and a chart giving a visual representation to this listing (= 1 chart + listing section);
Cross Tab allows creating cross-tab reports and provides instructions for users.
You can see it in the Navigator view:
This video offers a short overview of how to create a report file: