

Default AppServer instances

Instance definition structure


listener.xml is a file where application server instances are defined and configured.


By default, listener.xml is located in




You can change the default location of listener.xml by setting the corresponding environment variable:


LISTENERXML=C:\Program Files\Querix\my_configs\listener.xml



Default AppServer instances


By default, listener.xml contains two application instances set during Lycia installation:


In this case, listener.xml has the following content (press ยป to see the default content):


Structure of the instance definition





every AppServer instance definition is enclosed in  these tags


sets the name for the instance - can include Latin letters, arabic numbers (0-9), dashes (-), and underscores (_)



is used for the purpose of legacy compatibility (set the same value as <name>...</name>)



specifies the application server working directory (i.e., where programs will be deployed and executed)

By default,





specifies the folder to which log files will be saved

By default,





specifies where inet.env is situated

By default,





specifies the authentication mode - can be none or full



specifies the authentication library:




enables or disables logging - can be true or false



holds a short description of the instance



is used for the purpose of legacy compatibility (leave unchanged when adding new instances or modifying the already existing ones



allows disabling the instance without removing it



switches on the Kerberos protocol for SSO authentication - can be not set, false, or true:

if not set in listener.xml or set to false, standard authentication procedure will be used;

if set to true, LyciaWeb will try to go through the SSO authentication (and will ask for standard authentication procedure with entering user name/password only in case SSO authentication fails)



is used only in listener.xml to determine what Studio version is associated with this instance - can be hydra, lycia1, and lycia2 (for both Lycia II and Lycia III)