These files influence the application behavior at runtime (execution).
configuration file |
description |
operating system |
related topics |
contains environment variables used at run time when running applications via LyciaDesktop and LyciaWeb:
When modified, requires relaunching the application.
run |
allows configuring database interfaces as well as setting certain global defaults for Lycia applications:
C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia 3 Development Suite 7.1\Lycia\etc\
is a user-defined theme file, .qxtheme, that is loaded from the 4gl code and allows adapting the application appearance to the company’s business logics and changing its runtime appearance and behavior depending on the current tasks and purposes. Can be created in Lycia Theme Designer as a part of 4gl program or formed by concatenating theme snippets stored on the client side.
user css style |
is a custom css style file, .css, that is loaded from the 4gl code and allows changing the runtime appearance of the application.
user action defaults file |
is a user-defined configuration file, .ad2, that is loaded from the 4gl code and contains default attributes for actions that can be performed in the definite 4gl-based application
master resources file (.tr2) |
is a user-defined configuration file that lists all the static resources which can be used by the Lycia-based application at runtime. Is created when the program is deployed with IDE and is saved to the AppServer working directory specified in listener.xml.
a file where application server instances are defined and configured:
C:\ProgramFiles\Querix\AppServer\ |