LyciaStudio includes a number of perspectives, views, and editors that allow 4gl developers to view, manage, and use the available resources and functionality when working on their projects.
Perspective is a group of views and editors in the LyciaStudio window. Each perspective contains one or more views and editors. Within a window, each perspective may have a different set of views but all perspectives share the same set of editors.
4GL perspective is the default one. All the perspectives can be easily switched, opened, closed, or customized.
4GL (default) C/C++ CVS Repository Exploring Database Debug Database Development Debug Java Java Browsing Java Type Hierarchy JavaScript Planning Plug-in Development Resource XML |
Refer here to get more information on how to manage perspectives.
View is a visual component within LyciaStudio used to navigate through lists and hierarchies (such as projects or resources) or display properties for the active editor.
Other: Cheat Sheets
4GL: 4gl Project
Ant: Ant
C/C++: C/C++ Index C/C++ Projects Call Hierarchy Include Browser Problem Details Type Hierarchy
CVS: CVS Editors CVS Repositories Database Management: Data Source Explorer Execution Path SQL Results Execution Plan
General: Classic Search Console Error Log Internal Web Browser Markers Navigator Outline Palette Problems Progress Project Explorer Properties Search Tasks Templates
Debug: Debug Display Executables Expressions Memory Modules Registers Signals Visualizer |
GIT: GIT Reflog GIT Tree Compare Rebase Interactive Package Explorer Synchronize History Properties
Java: Call Hierarchy Declaration Javadoc JUnit Package Explorer Type Hierarchy
Java Browsing: Members Packages Projects Types
JavaScript: Call Hierarchy Declaration Documentation Hierarchy Script Explorer
Make: Make Target |
Mylyn: Task List Task Repositories Team Repositories
org.eclipse.e4.secondaryDataStack: CSS Scratch pad CSS Spy
Plug-in Development: Plug-in Dependencies Plug-in Image Browser Plug-ins Target Platform State
Report Design: Data Explorer Property Editor Resource Explorer Palette
Team: History Synchronize
WindowBuilder: Palette Structure
XML: Content Model Documentation |
Refer here to get more information on how to manage views.
Editor is a visual component within LyciaStudio used to edit or browse resources (as a text, piece of code, diagram, etc.).