Before downloading installation package, please check whether both your hardware and software meet Lycia system requirements.
You will need to log in / sign up.
Image 1: Finding Lycia
Image 2: Finding Lycia downloads
Choose the package for your system.
Review Lycia system requirements
Learn about the available Lycia presets and components and select which of them you want to install.
Run Querix Package Manager.
Check the necessary Lycia components and click Proceed.
Querix provides two types of Lycia licenses – trial and commercial.
Installing and activating trial licenses
Installing and activating commercial licenses
You can find more information about Lycia licensing here and here.
Installing Lycia via command line
You will need to log in / sign up.
Image 3: Finding Lycia
Image 4: Finding Lycia downloads
Choose the package for your system.
To install Lycia on Linux, you must have git and git LFS installed on your machine.
Otherwise, any installation attempt will fail.
Review Lycia system requirements
Learn about the available Lycia presets and components and select which of them you want to install.
Here is the sequence of commands you must perform to install Lycia on Linux:
cd Downloads/ – to move to the Downloads folder.
sudo chmod +x qpm – to add QPM to the list of executable files.
sudo ./qpm install <preset> – to initiate the installation.
The process of installation is logged to the console.
After the successful installation, you get this message:
Image 5: 'Installation complete' console messages
Querix provides two types of Lycia licenses – trial and commercial.
Installing and activating trial licenses
Installing and activating commercial licenses
You can find more information about Lycia licensing here and here.
Once installed, Lycia is ready to use.
If you don't know how to create programs and projects in LyciaStudio, you can learn about it here.
QPM makes it very easy to update any Lycia component or a set of them.
However, you must remember that some Lycia components are completely independent, and some depend on other Lycia components and need them to work properly (if at all).
Updating Lycia components on Windows
Step 0. Download Lycia package manager from
With QPM command line tool
Execute the command:
In this case, your current Lycia setup will be updated.
Step 2. Test your updated component(s).
Updating Lycia components on Linux
Step 0. Download Lycia package manager from
To install Lycia on Linux, you must have git and git LFS installed on your machine.
Otherwise, any installation attempt will fail.
Review Lycia system requirements
After the successful update, you get this message:
Image 6: Lycia update console messages
Step 2. Test your updated component(s).
To remove one or more Lycia components, you must
execute the command remove in QPM command line tool:
For example, this command
sudo ./qpm remove app-server
will remove the app-server Lycia component,
and this command
sudo ./qpm remove development
will remove the development preset.
To uninstall Lycia completely, you must
execute qpm remove all without parameters in QPM command line tool: