Warmest greetings! Today we’re bringing you the news about the exploration and learning you can take to start a new chapter in your projects, enhanced with Lycia toolkit.

Lycia products, especially Lycia VS Code Extension (LVSCE), have a profound set of learning materials: the Documentation Portal and the Video Archive. Better yet, the knowledge we offer is now laid out in the form of several lanes for you to choose the path per your needs:

Lycia Basics

This lane introduces the advantages of Lycia development kit for your 4GL projects

Lycia VS Code Extension

This is a detailed look at our newest and always-expanding IDE that aims to fulfil the needs of every 4GL project development

Form Builder

Now, a form creation is quick and easy with a rich GUI and a full support of all necessary form features. Dive in to learn more!

Lycia Installation & Licensing

This lane is created to serve both newcomers and experienced users as guides for all kinds of licensing tasks

Lycia LowCode

With time efficiency in thought, we’ve simplified a huge amount of repetitive tasks for you with this powerful tool

Lycia Tutorials

Customized appearance, security, web services, and other extras: this lane of learning covers the solutions for particular needs