Main toolbar

Lycia main toolbar incorporates an number of toolbar buttons as well as some toolbar groups which allow creating and opening files and programs; debugging, building, cleaning, and running applications, searching and viewing history, etc.

There is a basic set of toolbar buttons that are displayed in all perspectives.

However, some toolbar buttons are available only for certain perspectives, views, or file types or become active only when you select a project, a program, or a file.

This is how the main toolbar looks when all the perspectives are closed:

This is the most basic toolbar configuration – 4gl perspective:

These are the toolbars of two other most popular perspectives:

In this page, we describe basic toolbar buttons used in most perspectives.

Toolbar buttons

Most toolbar buttons are duplicated by the commands from the menu bar or from the context menus. So, there are many ways to trigger basic actions, and you can choose the one which suits you most and work out your own algorithm.

In the general table, you can find the descriptions for all toolbar buttons and toolbar groups. Toolbar groups are described in greater detail below, and you can move to them by pressing the down arrow – .

Contents of certain toolbar groups depends greatly on the opened perspective.

Here we describe the most basic options of the LyciaStudio menu available from all perspectives.

For details concerning other perspectives, please refer to their respective pages.

Save (Ctrl + S) saves the contents of the active editor

Save All (Ctrl + Shift +S) saves the contents of all open editors

Skip All Breakpoints (Ctrl + Alt + B) – when selected, tells the debugger to disregard (= skip) all the breakpoints

Resume resumes the debugging session after it was suspended

Suspend holds off the debugging session and enables user interaction

Terminate stops the debugging session

Step Over steps into the statement (function or method) selected in the editor

Step Return steps out of the current method or function (i.e. when in any function, moves the debugger to the line following this function's call)

Drop To Frame reenters the selected stack frame in the Debug view

Use Step Filters (Shift + F5) specifies whether step filters will be used in the Debug view

Undo (Ctrl + Z) reverses the most recent editing action

Show online Help launches the index of the Lycia online documentation in the default browser

Compile the selected source file compiles the selected source file

Build Automatically switches on/off the auto-build (with auto-build, the selected project is built automatically after you introduce any changes)

Run with LyciaWeb runs the selected program with LyciaWeb

Run with LyciaDesktop runs the selected program with LyciaDesktop

Open Task (Ctrl + F12) allows opening tasks stored in the task repository

Last Edit Location (Ctrl + Q) moves you to the latest edited place (if the latest edited file was closed, it will open and the cursor will move to the necessary line)


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