
ProgressBar is used to display a numeric value within the specified range.

ProgressBar is typically used to graphically display the level of progression of a certain process.  You can also use it to display a level of fulfillment e.g. to show the relative number of the fields filled and left to fill in a form.

Form XML code:

<ProgressBar minValue="0" maxValue="100" visible="true" step="1" identifier="pb1" gridItemLocation="0,0,1,1"/>

Most commonly used theme and form properties:








Inheritance diagram:

Influence and behavior:

To add a ProgressBar to your form, you

Step 1. Choose a ProgressBar from the widgets palette by left-clicking its icon.

Step 2. Select the place in the form where you want to put the ProgressBar.

Step 3. Left-click the selected spot (cell or sector) to place the ProgressBar there.

Step 4. The ProgressBar is now added to your form, and you can see it in the Structure view.


By default, ProgressBar shows the progress in units based on its minValue and maxValue:

To make ProgressBar show the progress in percent, you must set the classname show-percent to it in the .fm2 form or via the ui method, SetClassName():

<ProgressBar ... classNames="show-percent"/>


DEFINE pb_ui ui.ProgressBar


LET pb_ui = ui.ProgressBar.Forname("pb1")

CALL pb_ui.SetClassNames(["show-percent"])

Try the example program, progressbar_01_percent, to see how it works.



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