Predefined classes

Classes assigned to the elements with certain display attributes

Front-end classes

Classes which can be applied to the application

Classes which can be applied to application windows and their bars

Classes which can be applied to containers, widgets, and fields

Classes which can be applied to objects and elements in compatibility mode

Other classes

Predefined identifiers

In Lycia, there is a number of predefined classes which can be used to manipulate the appearance and runtime behavior of groups of elements.

These predefined classes differ from the custom (user-defined) classes by the fact that they are included to Lycia (e.g., in the system theme) and need not to be introduced in the program source code.

For the proper runtime behavior, these class names must correspond to the value of the classNames property (set in Lycia Form Designer) or the identifier for the With class and Apply class filters (provided in Lycia Theme Designer).

For the sake of better performance, we recommend using the With class filter instead if setting the classNames property.

Classes assigned to the elements with certain display attributes

















Display attributes are set for the elements in 4gl code:

DISPLAY "Display text" TO widget_id ATTRIBUTE(GREEN)

After the display,  the element to which the text was displayed is assigned with the class name attribute_green. This class name can be later used to manipulate the widget, e.g. to specify its other properties:

4gl code

DISPLAY "attribute_green" TO lb ATTRIBUTE(GREEN)

lycia theme designer

runtime appearance

Every new display to the widget will change its class name, and the properties specified for the old class name will not be applied.

Front-end classes


can be applied to any application run via a desktop client or a browser (but not a mobile device)


can be applied to any application run via a desktop client


can be applied to any application run via a browser (as opposed to the applications run via LyciaDesktop) regardless of the definite browser


can be applied to any application run via any HTML client including LyciaDesktop and LyciaWeb

Classes which can be applied to the application


adds a sidebar to application menus created dynamically (by fgl functions or ui methods)


enables running the application in the full-screen mode

You can learn how to run applications in a full-screen mode via different Lycia clients here and here.


enable closing all open applications when the new one is launched


switches off the automatic calculation of qch and allows the 4gl developer to specify it manually

Classes which can be applied to application windows and their bars


opens a window in the middle of the screen (by default, windows are opened in the top left corner)


prevents saving and reusing the size and position of the window when applied to MDI and SDI containers

By default, LyciaDesktop remembers the size and position of the application window with which it was closed and will open it again with the remembered size and position (regardless of the size and position specified, e.g., for the window by the environment variables or for the form in Lycia Form Designer).

no_position_restore class must be set for the application if you want its windows to be opened with the definite size and at the definite position regardless of the size and position it was closed with.


enables that every child container is opened in a new tab when the applications are run in the MDI mode


can be applied to toolbars with automatically generated action toolbar buttons


can be applied to toolbars of the currently opened form


can be applied to the label which displays comments to a window (except for status bars and message boxes)


can be applied to the label which displays error messages to a window (except for status bars and message boxes)


can be applied to the label which displays messages to a window (except for status bars and message boxes)

Classes which can be applied to containers, widgets, and fields


arranges the children of a CoordPanel in a kind of a grid


prevents expanding/collapsing the content of a GroupBox


makes the GroupBox collapsed by default


hides the toggle button for a GroupBox and disables toggle


can be applied to a StackPanel that contains a label (displaying prompt messages) and a text field (providing prompt input) for the PROMPT statement


can be applied to a table column of a Table or TreeTable if this column can be edited


turns on the horizontal scroll bar for the Table widget


enables displaying Internet pages (for the Browser widget)

By default, the Browser widget does not allow displaying inner pages, running scripts, and submitting forms, as this can lead to data loss. By applying the trusted class, you disable the security restrictions and will be able to run scripts, etc.

The expected - trusted - behavior will not be obtained if it is prohibited by the IFRAME tag in the site itself because the Browser widget uses the IFRAME tag and does not depend on the browser version installed on the user's machine. In such a case (when it is prohibited), you need an additional reverse proxy .


opens the Open file dialog which makes it possible to open files to text fields for applications run via LyciaWeb (when applied to a TextField)


can be applied to any active field which is included the current statement (for CONSTRUCT, DIALOG, DISPLAY, DISPLAY ARRAY, INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, and PROMPT statements)


can be applied to every field which is in current row of the SCREEN ARRAY statement (for all containers except for a GridPanel)


can be applied to labels created by the DISPLAY...AT statement


switches on the autocomplete for ComboBox


classes that specify how ComboBox options are displayed in the drop-down list:

list-show-text – the text of the option is displayed in the drop-down list

list-show-value – the value of the option is displayed in the drop-down list

list-show-text-value – both text and value of the option are displayed in the drop-down list, text precedes

list-show-text – both text and value of the option are displayed in the drop-down list, value precedes


classes that specify how ComboBox options are displayed to its field when selected:

list-show-text – when the option is selected, its text is displayed to the field of the combo box

list-show-text – when the option is selected, its value is displayed to the field of the combo box


allows editing combo boxes provided that a CONSTRUCT statement is executed


makes ProgressBar show the progress in percent (%)


specifies the position of the picker button for a Calendar () and TimeEditField ()


pins the associated toolbar button to the navigation bar (MD Lycia)


disables the direct-link logic for StartProgramEventHandler (when applied to MenuCommands)

By default, if a new application is launched, the previous application is closed (you get a new one application instead of the previous one application).

If the no-direct-link class is applied to the MenuCommand which starts the new application, the direct-link logic will be disabled, and after opening a new application you'll get two applications running - the new application + the previous one.


enables changing browser URL (when applied to MenuCommands)

By default, when a new application is run with the direct-link logic, the browser URL of the application is not changed (you get the new application and the previous URL).

If the history-link class is applied to the MenuCommand which starts the new application, the browser URL is changed together with the application (you get the new application and its - the new - URL):

Classes which can be applied to objects and elements in compatibility mode

Compatibility mode has to be enabled.


can be applied to the label which displays help messages for ring menus in Informix4GL compatibility mode

Other classes


can be applied to mobile applications for which the possibility of easy switching between applications is enabled


can be applied to application for which debug logging is enabled


if this class is applied to an element, this element will not be subject to common layout rules but to the layout rules specified directly to this class (and this element)

Predefined identifiers

Besides predefined classes, Lycia provides 4gl developers with a number of predefined identifiers which can be used to manipulate the corresponding elements in the source code and in Lycia Theme Designer.

Application Menu Launcher

can be used for menus created by create_menu()


can be used for screen windows of applications

Prompt Field

can be used for text fields if they are used for input with PROMPT


can be used for StackPanel containers which contain a label (displaying prompt messages) and a text field (providing prompt input) for the PROMPT statement)


can be used for a ring menu without a title

Menu Comment

can be applied to the label which displays help messages for ring menus in Informix4GL compatibility mode


can be used for a context menu of a window


can be used for toolbars with automatically generated action toolbar buttons


can be used for toolbar groups within action toolbars


can be used for status bar of a window


can be used for TemplateInstance inside the status bar


can be used for a top menu of a window


can be used for a TableRow



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