Lycia VS Code Extension




Chapter Navigation


Lycia VS Code Extension, or LVSCE, provides the opportunity for developers to do their daily work in 4GL and other languages in Visual Studio Code environment. LVSCE is a modern, quick, lightweight tool that embodies best practices from Lycia Studio and Form Designer, with the newest improvements and additions.

LVSCE has web and local versions, which you can use to work locally and remotely.

As VS Code is a graphical IDE with built-in terminals support, you can work in both graphical and command-line environments.


Attention: LVSCE and Form Builder are currently in development and will have added features in regular intervals. The documentation will be supplemented accordingly.

Chapter Navigation

Installation and Uninstallation: Learn how to install LVSCE;

Layout and Interface: See how we've adjusted VS Code per demands of 4GL development processes;

Configuration: Learn how to configure LVSCE for your projects;

How To: Meet a set of detailed instructions for different parts of 4GL development process, like:

Setting Minimal Configuration Requirements

Creating Projects, Programs and Files

Adding Existing Programs, Libraries, Files to Projects, Programs and Workspaces

Converting Form Files

Exporting and Importing

Renaming, Removing, Deleting

Compiling and Recompiling


The Debugging Basics

Working With Lycia Debugger

Using Debug Toolbar

Disconnecting the Debugger

Creating a Function Breakpoint

Creating a Breakpoint on Change

Creating Logpoints With Output to the Debug Console or Log File

Executing Tasks Using Debug Console

Remote Debugging Using SSH

Cleaning, Building, Rebuilding, Deploying Projects and Programs

SSH Deployment With Ninja

Running Applications

Form Builder: Get to know our new graphical forms creation tool to design your forms quickly and easily as never before.


See next: LVSCE Installation and Uninstallation


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