

Influence and Behaviour

Blob Images and Aspect Ratio

CSV Editor

Invoking the CSV Editor

CSV Editor Options


BlobViewer is used to display and edit BYTE or TEXT values e.g. a text or a picture.

Form XML code:

<BlobViewer dataType="Byte,,,," visible="true" identifier="bl1" gridItemLocation="0,0,1,1"/>

Inheritance diagram:

Most commonly used form properties:










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Influence and Behaviour

To add a BlobViewer to your form, do the following:

Step 1. Choose a BlobViewer from the widgets palette by left-clicking its icon.

Step 2. Select the place in the form where you want to put the BlobViewer.

Step 3. Left-click the selected spot (cell or sector) to place the BlobViewer there.

Step 4. The BlobViewer is now added to your form, and you can see it in the Structure view.

When you specify a file name, be careful with its case.

UNIX is case-sensitive, so it will treat files which names come in different cases as separate files.


Manipulating the BlobViewer contents via DISPLAY <> TO statement:



    OPEN WINDOW test WITH FORM "test_blobviewer"

      MENU "m1"

        COMMAND "IMG"

          LOCATE bl1 IN FILE "lycia.jpg"

          DISPLAY bl1 TO bl1

        COMMAND "EXIT"

          EXIT MENU




Manipulating the BlobViewer contents via DISPLAY BY NAME statement



    OPEN WINDOW test WITH FORM "test_blobviewer"

      MENU "m1"

        COMMAND "IMG"

          LOCATE bl1 IN FILE "lycia.jpg"

          DISPLAY BY NAME bl1

        COMMAND "EXIT"

          EXIT MENU



Runtime Appearance

Please, note that the Edit button is hidden if the application is run by LyciaWeb as browsing a local machine from the Internet zone is forbidden in all modern browsers.

BlobViewer can hold any file, but in runtime it will display and allow editing only those file types (content types) which can be processed by your operation system (for LyciaDesktop) or the browser you use (for LyciaWeb). If the necessary plug-ins are not installed, Lycia graphical clients will not be able to manipulate them.

By default, editor type will be determined in runtime according to the type of the first manipulated BlobViewer content. You can set the value of the editor property so that to tell LyciaDesktop and LyciaWeb what type of editor should be used to manipulate it. To get more information, please, refer to the editor property page.

In LyciaDesktop, the BlobViewer content can be edited.

After you left-click the Edit button, the file displayed by the BlobViewer will be opened in the corresponding editor:

LyciaDesktop will allow editing BlobViewer content in the editor associated with this file type (content type) in your system. If you want a file to be opened in the definite editor, you have to make it the default one.

Windows Photo Viewer is the default program for opening image files:  

Paint is the default program for opening image files:

If the file displayed by the BlobViewer cannot be edited, the Edit button will be hidden:

For the BlobViewer content to be properly displayed, you must either specify its type with the file extension or set the value of the Editor property.


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Blob Images and Aspect Ratio

By default, your blob image will keep aspect ratio at the window resizing. To override that behaviour, add image-ignore-aspect-ratio as the classNames parameter in the BlobViewer widget properties in the form.

Please see the examples of images behaviour at window resizing with aspect ratio preserved (upper figure) and aspect ratio ignored (lower figure):


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CSV Editor in BlobViewer

The BlobViewer widget has an Editor that can display CSV files. You can use a separate form for the CSV spreadsheet, or integrate the spreadsheet with an existing form.

With this Editor, you can:

Note: The Editor recognizes the following delimiters: tab, comma, pipe (|), semicolon, record_sep (ASCII30), unit_sep (ASCII31).


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Invoking the CSV Editor

Prerequisites: Before doing the steps described below, prepare the following:

Step 1. Within the MAIN block of your .4gl file, define a variable with the TEXT data type:

Note: A value name bl2 in this example was chosen to follow a default BlobViewer widget naming for convenience.

Step 2. Assign a window to open with your form:

OPEN WINDOW w1 AT 1,1 WITH FORM "9056_spreadsheet01"

Step 3. Use the LOCATE clause to make bl2 store the spreadsheet data:

LOCATE bl2 IN FILE "9056_spreadsheet01.csv"

Step 4. Add an INPUT BY NAME clause followed by the WITHOUT DEFAULTS clause to reference and display the spreadsheet data:


Step 5. Add a call for the fgl_getkey() function:

CALL fgl_getkey()

Next, you must adjust your form layout to display the CSV data. To do that, open your .fm2 form file in VS Code's Editor, and fill it in with the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<form xmlns="">


<GridPanel visible="true" enable="true" fieldTable="formonly" preferredSize="500,500" identifier="rootContainer">


<GridRowDefinition gridLengthValue="100%" />



<GridColumnDefinition gridLengthValue="100%" />


<BlobViewer Editor="csv" visible="true" enable="true" verticalAlignment="Stretch" horizontalAlignment="Stretch" fieldTable="formonly" gridItemLocation="0,0,1,1" identifier="bl2" />




<ScreenRecord identifier="FormOnly" />



If you open the Form Builder after that and select the BlobViewer widget in the Design Area or in the Form Structure, in the Properties view you should see the following:

Attention: The CSV Editor in Form Builder relies on the first row of the spreadsheet to define the number of columns to parse data into. Edit the first row of the spreadsheet if it doesn’t have enough columns.


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CSV Editor Options

The options are located in the lower-left corner of the CSV Editor. Those are the following:

1. Download: By pressing this button, you will invoke the file downloading dialog.

2. Print: This button triggers the CSV file printing dialog:

After you configure the parameters you need and click Print, the Viewer will convert the CSV file into the PDF file, and invoke a printing dialog.

3. CSV Parser Setting: This button offers different options for the spreadsheet display:

Note: The changes will take effect dynamically after you select an option.

The settings for you to configure are:

If you set this to No, the columns will be assigned with nominal column identifiers (numbers starting from 0):

This is useful when there is no header row in the spreadsheet.

Click DONE after configuring the CSV spreadsheet display to exit the configuration dialog.

4. Upload: Using this button, you can upload another CSV file’s contents into the current view and to the server. Mind that this new data will replace the contents of the initially opened file, so at the next program run the BlobViewer’s CSV Editor will display the latest data.

5. Edit: Clicking this button invokes the editing mode so you can edit separate values in the spreadsheet. To edit a value, click Edit, double-click the value you need to edit, and input the new value. Double-click another cell to edit that cell. After all the editing is done, return to the CSV Parser Settings pane in the lower-left corner of the Editor, and select the Done button:

6. Full Screen: Invokes the fullscreen display (if the program is run as a web application, the spreadsheet will occupy the whole tab space).


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