classNames is used to apply a certain class - custom or predefined - to a container or widget. |
in Lycia Form Designer
Form XML code:
<element_name classNames="myclass">
Possible values:
one of the list of predefined classes provided by Lycia
a custom (user-defined) class
Default value: not specified
Associated containers, widgets and theme elements:
Associated ui methods:
SetClassNames ↓
GetClassNames ↓
Influence and behavior:
classNames is used to attribute containers and widgets to certain classes in order to ensure the necessary runtime behavior of this container or widget as a member of a certain class:
property set in lycia form designer |
For the first Label (identifier=lb1), classNames=first_class:
For the second Label (identifier=lb2), classNames=second_class:
properties applied to the class in lycia theme designer |
runtime behavior |
At runtime, you can use ui methods to specify the application behavior at runtime:
LET widget_var = ui.<widget>.ForName("widget_id")
CALL widget_var.setClassNames(...)
DISPLAY widget_var.getClassNames()
4gl code sample |
DEFINE lb_1, lb_2 ui.Label ... LET lb_1 = ui.Label.ForName("f1") LET lb_2 = ui.Label.ForName("f2") ... DISPLAY "With lb1, classNames=", lb_1.getClassNames() DISPLAY "With lb2, classNames=", lb_2.getClassNames() ... CALL lb_1.setClassNames("first_class") CALL lb_2.setClassNames("second_class")
initial runtime appearance |
changed runtime appearance |
The example above were taken from the example program.
Example programs:
CVS server: client.querix.com
CVS repository: /lycia_doc_examples
User: client
Project: form_properties
Program: classNames
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